import os
from Flag import FLAG
from MyLatteRepo import CUP, SPOON
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, getRandomNBitInteger as RandBitInt
Amount = 96
Milk = os.urandom(16) * 8
Espresso = FLAG + os.urandom(Amount - len(FLAG))
with open(r"output.txt", "w") as f:
print(f"Secret Recipe = {[tuple(RandBitInt(Amount) * TableWare + RandBitInt(Amount) for _ in range(2)) for TableWare in (CUP, SPOON)]}", file=f)
print(f"Thick Latte = {pow(SPOON, bytes_to_long(Espresso + Milk), CUP ** 2)}", file=f)
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime
CUP, SPOON = getPrime(1024), getPrime(1023)
首先对于 Secret Recipe
print(f"Secret Recipe = {[tuple(RandBitInt(Amount) * TableWare + RandBitInt(Amount) for _ in range(2)) for TableWare in (CUP, SPOON)]}", file=f)
为 $u$,SPOON
为 $s$,那么给到的信息就是:
\[\begin{cases} a_1' s + b_1' = h_1'\\ a_2' s + b_2' = h_2'\\ \end{cases}\]其中 $a_i$ 、 $b_i$ 、$a_i’$ 和 $b_i’$ 为小的随机数,$h_i$ 和 $h_i’$ 是已知的。
这是典型的 AGCD 问题,比如我们考虑针对 $u$ 的这组等式
\[a_2 h_1 - a_1 h_2 = a_2 b_1 - b_2 a_1\]等式右边是一个小数据
\[\begin{pmatrix} a_2 &-a_1 \end{pmatrix} \cdot \begin{pmatrix} h_1 & 1 & 0 \\ h_2 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} a_2 b_1 - b_2 a_1 & a_2 & -a_1 \end{pmatrix}\]右边是一个短向量,所以对左边的格子 $\begin{pmatrix}h_1 & 1 & 0 \\ h_2 & 0 & 1\end{pmatrix}$ 作 LLL
with open("./output.txt", "r") as f:
s1, s2 = f.readlines()
sp, sg = eval(s1.split("= ")[1])
secret = int(s2.split("= ")[1])
def getSec(h1, h2, bits):
mat = matrix(ZZ, [[h1, 1, 0], [h2, 0, 1]])
mat = mat.LLL()
t, a2, a1 = mat[0]
a2, a1 = abs(a2), abs(a1)
pre_p = h1 // a1
for i in range(pre_p >> bits, pre_p >> (bits - 1)):
q = pre_p // (i + 1)
for bias in range(-4, 5):
r = q + bias
if is_prime(r) and r.bit_length() == bits: return r
p, g = getSec(*sp, 1024), getSec(*sg, 1023)
Milk = os.urandom(16) * 8
设随机产生的部分为 $x$, A = bytes_to_long((b"\x00"*15 + b"\x01") * 8)
assert bytes_to_long(Milk) == x * A
简记为数学公式: $ \text{Milk} = A\cdot x $
其中 $ x \sim 2^{128} $
进一步观察第二个式子,根据 len(Milk) == 128
,同时设 y = bytes_to_long(FLAG)
$ s = \text{Thick Latte} = g^{2^{128\times 8}y + x\cdot A}\pmod{p^2} $
记 $ B = 2^{128\times 8} $ 则化为:
\[\begin{aligned} s & = g^{Ax+By}\pmod{p^2} \\ & = \left(g^A\right)^x \cdot \left(g^B\right)^y\pmod{p^2} \end{aligned}\]其中 $ x\sim 2^{128} $ , $ y\sim 2^{768} $ , $ p \sim 2^{1024} $
\[s' = s^{p-1} = \left(g^{A(p-1)}\right)^x\cdot \left(g^{B(p-1)}\right)^y\pmod{p^2}\]注意,根据费马小定理,$g^{A(p-1)}\equiv 1\pmod{p}$ ,以及 $ g^{B(p-1)}\equiv 1\pmod{p} $ ,则说明 $ g^{A(p-1)} - 1 $ 和 $ g^{B(p-1)} - 1 $ 均为 $ p $ 的倍数。
设 $ g^{A(p-1)} - 1 = ap $ , $ g^{B(p-1)} - 1 = bp $ ,则根据二项式定理有:
\[\begin{aligned} s' & = (ap+1)^x\cdot (bp+1)^y &\pmod{p^2} \\ & = (xap+1)\cdot (ybp+1) &\pmod{p^2} \\ & = (ax+by)\cdot p + 1 &\pmod{p^2} \end{aligned}\]即:
\[S' = \dfrac{s' - 1}{p} = ax + by \pmod{p}\]其中 $ x\sim 2^{128} $ , $ y\sim 2^{768} $ , $ p \sim 2^{1024} $
\[-x = - a^{-1}S' + a^{-1}b\cdot y\pmod{p}\]设 $ S = a^{-1}S’\bmod{p} $ , 以及 $ C = a^{-1}b\bmod{p} $
得到 $ -x = - S + Cy - kp $ 很小,其中 $ x\sim 2^{128} $ , $ k\sim y\sim 2^{768} $ , $ S \sim C \sim p \sim 2^{1024} $
\[M = \begin{pmatrix} \dfrac{1}{2^{768 - 128}} & 0 & C \\ 0 & 2^{128} & S \\ 0 & 0 & p \end{pmatrix}\]满足:
\[\begin{pmatrix} y & -1 & k\end{pmatrix} \cdot M = \begin{pmatrix} \dfrac{y}{2^{640}} \\\\ -2^{128} \\\\ -x \end{pmatrix}\]其中 $ \dfrac{1}{2^{640}} $ 和 $2^{128}$ 是为了控制最后向量的大小,和矩阵左乘系数恰好是我们想要的,考察选手对于利用格规约解决小未知数方程的手段,对于格子构造的理解。
unit = b"\x00" * 15 + b"\x01"
A = bytes_to_long(unit * 8)
unit = b"\x00" * 16
B = bytes_to_long(b"\01" + unit * 8)
ap = pow(g, A * (p - 1), p ** 2) - 1
bp = pow(g, B * (p - 1), p ** 2) - 1
assert int(ap) % p == 0
assert int(bp) % p == 0
a, b = int(ap) // p, int(bp) // p
C = (b * inverse(a, p)) % p
S = int(pow(int(secret), p - 1, p ** 2)) - 1
assert int(S) % p == 0
S = ((int(S) // p) * inverse(a, p)) % p
M = matrix([[1/2**(768 - 128), 0, C], [0, 2**128, S], [0, 0, p]])
ML = M.LLL()
for v in ML:
the_flag = abs((v * (2 ** (768 - 128)))[0])
from Crypto.Util.number import *
with open("./output.txt", "r") as f:
s1, s2 = f.readlines()
sp, sg = eval(s1.split("= ")[1])
secret = int(s2.split("= ")[1])
def getSec(h1, h2, bits):
mat = matrix(ZZ, [[h1, 1, 0], [h2, 0, 1]])
mat = mat.LLL()
t, a2, a1 = mat[0]
a2, a1 = abs(a2), abs(a1)
pre_p = h1 // a1
for i in range(pre_p >> bits, pre_p >> (bits - 1)):
q = pre_p // (i + 1)
for bias in range(-4, 5):
r = q + bias
if is_prime(r) and r.bit_length() == bits: return r
p, g = getSec(*sp, 1024), getSec(*sg, 1023)
unit = b"\x00" * 15 + b"\x01"
A = bytes_to_long(unit * 8)
unit = b"\x00" * 16
B = bytes_to_long(b"\01" + unit * 8)
ap = pow(g, A * (p - 1), p ** 2) - 1
bp = pow(g, B * (p - 1), p ** 2) - 1
assert int(ap) % p == 0
assert int(bp) % p == 0
a, b = int(ap) // p, int(bp) // p
C = (b * inverse(a, p)) % p
S = int(pow(int(secret), p - 1, p ** 2)) - 1
assert int(S) % p == 0
S = ((int(S) // p) * inverse(a, p)) % p
M = matrix([[1/2**(768 - 128), 0, C], [0, 2**128, S], [0, 0, p]])
ML = M.LLL()
for v in ML:
the_flag = abs((v * (2 ** (768 - 128)))[0])