from Flag import FLAG
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long
flag = bytes_to_long(FLAG)
Names_of_MyLittlePoly = [
"Pinkie Pie",
"Rainbow Dash",
"Princess Celestia",
"Princess Twilight",
"Princess Luna",
"Princess Bubblegum",
"Princess Buttercup",
"Princess Rainbow",
"Princess Sparkle",
"Princess Sparkle",
def calc_poly(x: int, coeffs: tuple =()):
res = 0
for ai in coeffs: res += (res + ai) * x
return res
MyLittlePoly = [
calc_poly(flag, (ord(i) for i in name)) for name in Names_of_MyLittlePoly
with open(r"output.txt", "w") as f:
f.write(f"{MyLittlePoly = }")
计算的就是以 Names_of_MyLittlePoly
为系数的多项式,且没有常数项。注意到这些多项式的公因子恰好是 x
,那么就对 MyLittlePoly
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
import gmpy2
MyLittlePoly = []
with open(r"./crypto1-MyLittlePoly/SourceCode/output.txt", 'r') as f:
g = MyLittlePoly[0]
for x in MyLittlePoly[1:]:
g = gmpy2.gcd(g, x)