LVM 1 WriteUP

LVM 1: Church Number Writeup


Just copy it and paste it into LVM REPL, the

result is:


If you want, you could count by hand (233).

Or you could just use a more simplier program

to count the `y' to convert church number to


    def church_number_to_integer(expr : str, sym : str = "y") -> int:

    count = 0

    for char in expr:   # for all the characters in `expr'

    if char == sym:# if has `sym' symbol appearance

    count += 1   # increase count for `sym'

    return count - 1    # remove `sym' count in identifier list

So the real number is `233'. (see `1.py' for details)

Or if you thought it was not strictly enough,

you could also use `parse.py' to do the AST.

More: the task was made by the following code.

    .p                                    -> trun off pretty print

    .l(𝐬) (λxyz|y(xyz))                   -> successor

    .l(𝐩) (λxsz|x(λgh|h(gs))(λu|z)(λu|u)) -> predecessor

    .l(+) (λxy|y#𝐬x)                      -> addition

    .l(×) (λxys|x(ys))                    -> multiplication

    .l(∸) (λxy|y#𝐩x)                      -> monus subtraction

    .l(𝐞) (λbe|eb)                        -> b^e exp

    .d(0)                                 -> set recursion to 0

    ((λab|(#+ (#+ (#× (#𝐩 a) (#𝐞 b (#𝐩 a))) a) (#× a b))) #3 #10) -> ((((3 - 1) * (10 ^ (3 - 1))) + 3) + (3 * 10))

Tips: here hides some drawbacks of literal macro,

if you just use expression


The result is wrong: (λa|(λz|(a((aa)z)))), because simple

macro is just literally replacing string and has no

safty check for AST and context.

Want something more safe? See Lisp macro.


from lib.utils import AST
from lib.parse import parse

def church_number_to_integer_bad_one(expr : str, sym : str = "y") -> int:
    count = 0
    for char in expr:   # for all the characters in `expr'
        if char == sym: # if has `sym' symbol appearance
            count += 1   # increase count for `sym'
    return count - 1    # remove `sym' count in identifier list

def church_number_to_integer(expr : str | AST) -> int:
    ast = parse(expr) if isinstance(expr, str) else expr
    if not ast.function_p() or not ast.fn_body().function_p():
        raise Exception(f"{ast} not simplified church number value")
    inc, zero = ast.identifier(), ast.fn_body().identifier()
    count = 0
    ast = ast.fn_body().fn_body()
    while True:
        if ast.terminate_p():
            if ast.root == zero:
                return count
                raise Exception(f"{ast} not {zero}")
        elif ast.application_p():
            if ast.fn_expr().terminate_p() and ast.fn_expr().root == inc:
                count += 1
                ast = ast.arg_expr()
                print(ast.fn_expr().terminate_p() and ast.fn_expr().root == inc)
                raise Exception(f"{ast} not {inc}")
            raise Exception(f"{ast} not ({inc}{zero}) like")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(church_number_to_integer(input("church number expr > ")))